Believe in today and create a positive environment worth fighting for

Inspiring and supporting the youth through experiences

Education Impact

Nobody deserves a bad education


Good health strong people


Community Empowerment

Applicable Ideas

Vibrant Tomorrow

Message from President

Dear Partners In Service,
As your President for this year themed “The Magic of Rotary,” I’m filled with immense excitement. The magic isn’t a trick; it’s the spark that ignites when like-minded people come together to serve.
It’s the warmth of fellowship and the ripple effect of our good deeds that leave a lasting impact.
This year, let’s witness the magic
through collaboration, where our strengths create solutions, through fellowship, where shared purpose fosters lasting bonds, and through hope, where every act of service ignites a brighter future.
I’m inspired by each of you, the magic makers who bring dedication and unwavering commitment to this club.
Together, let’s raise a toast – to the magic of Rotary, to one another, and to a year overflowing with impactful service!
Lawrence Bahun-Wilson
Rotaract President 2024-2025
(Rotaract Club of Accra-Ring Road Central)

Inspiration – Dedicated – Leadership

The Four-Way Test

The four way test has long served as an ethical guide for members to live by in their personal and professional relationships

  • Is it the TRUTH?
  • Is it FAIR to all concern?
  • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Committed – Devoted – Proficient

Empowering Communities, Inspiring Change

latest news & insights

Discover the most recent happenings and gain valuable insights into our impactful initiatives, community stories, and advancements in sustainable development. Stay connected for the latest updates on our journey toward positive change.

Our Impact

Supported Youth
Communities and People touched
Life-Changing Projects